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A very special thank you to our
2021 Friends of Agape &  Monthly Sustainers


The Agape Clinic is the only exclusively privately funded healthcare clinic in Dallas County and the surrounding area. Due to private funding, there are no barriers to accessing care. Thank you for your generosity! 


Friend of Agape, Platinum $10,000+


Barry Buford

Dr. Barbara Baxter & Larry Jones*


Friend of Agape, Gold $5,000 - $9,999

Tom Chambers

Heather Stanton

Bob & Renee Pryor


Friend of Agape, Silver $3,000 - $4,999

Cecilia & James Norwood

Cynthia Kipp*

Richard and Deborah Stanford

Nancy & Kit Williams*


Friend of Agape, Bronze $1,000 - $2,999

Richard & Tara Baxter*

Fred & Brenda Brown*

Fred & Julie Chaney

Brenda & Clay Cockrell*

John & Lori Collins* 

Cody Comensky

East Dallas Christian Church*

Preston Edwards

L. Eldredge

Karen & Larry Farris*

Duncan & Kay Fulton

Bob & Dana Howard*

Kirby Jackson

Theresa Le 

Frank & Barbara Lloyd

Muslow & Agnew Group LLC* 

George & Cathy Morgan

David Moore*

Dr. Pooja Paranjpe*


*denotes 2021 Agape Gala Gather Go sponsor


Agape Monthly Sustainer

Steven Walter

Brenda Heckmann

Elevate Life Church

Mark Henry






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